Sept. 20, 2022

54: Dennis Geelen - The Accidental Solopreneur

You have gifts. But chances are, they're locked up inside of you. A 9-5 job only lets you unleash a fraction of those gifts. Dennis Geelen joins us to tell the story of The Accidental Solopreneur (his recent book). It's a fascinating look at unleashing your gifts and maximizing your potential.

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03:12 What Dennis misses about corporate

06:28 Re-thinking the scripted life

10:50 Investing in your highest-leverage asset

13:31 Dennis's entrepreneurial experiments

18:52 Going from non-fiction to fiction author

21:30 The Accidental Solopreneur

23:31 Emotions of the entrepreneurial rollercoaster

26:12 Importance of niching down

32:18 Advice for starting a career today

35:06 Closing Message



1. "The amount of learning I had to do to get that company off the ground is more than I learned in my 20 years of corporate." — Dennis Geelen

2. In solopreneurship, you must first master the inner game to then win the outer game. 

3. Nearly high-performer in corporate should try entrepreneurship (on the side at least). If you don't, you'll likely regret it. 

4. Don't expect instant success. Embrace the journey — it's amazing if you allow it to be.

5. Make your main goal about helping others. Goodness will flow your way if you do that.



The Accidental Solopreneur (book)

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